A Little Bit of Me

Hey Everyone!

To start off my blogging story, I wanted to give you a little bit more info about me.  To do this I've decided to answer a list of questions that delve a little deeper into my personality, but if there's anything else you'd like to know feel free to ask :)

1. Are you a spender or a saver? I’ve always had major trouble shopping – I literally couldn’t go one week without treating myself to a new outfit – but since I’ve started planning to move out with my Mr, I’m quite surprised at my saving abilities

2. What’s your worst makeup/ hair habit? I'm a natural redhead but have dyed my hair a variety of weird and wonderful colours over the years, so have had a bit of trouble with split ends and hair breakages.  Although I do a weekly conditioning treatment to try to repair my ends, I have a terrible habit of twisting my hair when anxious so I'm always fighting a losing battle.

3. One quote that you wish the world would live by? I know its corny, but as Thumper says ‘If you can’t say nothing nice, don’t say nothing at all’ (bit of a Disney geek!). Manners cost nothing and white lies hurt nobody!

4. How long do you spend getting ready everyday? It depends; on a weekday I can be up and out the door in 45 minutes to ensure I get a little extra time with my duvet, but on a weekend I prefer to take a little longer and can easily spend up to two hours making myself feel right.

5. A youtuber that you watch who deserves more views/ subscribers than they have? Icovetthee. I like her video styling and she has a lot of the same opinions as me.

6.One thing your excited about in the upcoming year? Moving house with my Mr. It’s been a long time coming and I can’t wait to be in our own little den!

7. What's the bravest thing you've done? This isn't particularly brave but for my 21st birthday a friend of mine bought me a bungee jump.  It was the highest jump in the UK and although it was terrifying on the way up, I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie so the jump itself was amazing and I'd definitely recommend it!

8. Heels or flats? At 6ft tall, heels tend to be a no-go for me.  I've tried many times but as I'm not used to them, even with kitten heels I'm usually barefoot within a few hours!

9. Tea or Coffee? I'm most definitely a tea girl.  I've tried so many times to enjoy coffee as the fancy frothy coffees always look nice in Starbucks, and I always feel like a little girl with my cream-topped hot chocolates, but just can't manage the taste.

10. TV or Music?  Although I'm a bit of a movie buff, I've always preferred to have music on as I always think music can transport you back to where you were when you first heard that song, and certain music can instantly change my mood.

11. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?  My dream holiday destination has always been New York, and at the beginning of this month I was very lucky to go for a week with my Mummykins (I'll be uploading a more extensive post about my trip soon!).  However, as I've been there now, I suppose another dream destination for me would be Rome.  I'd love to go and hoping to go for my anniversary with the Mr in a few years' time.

12. What's your favourite drink? As I said earlier, I cannot go one day without having a cup of tea and can be known to have two or three before even leaving the house.  However, if I'm on a night out I tend to head more for cocktails than anything else, and my signature is always a Cosmopolitan. When I was younger my best friend and I were obsessed with SATC (Sex and the City) and having a Cosmopolitan in NYC earlier this month was definitely something off of my bucket list!


  1. Love this! Welcome to the world of blogging!

    Natalie-Ann x

    1. Thank you Natalie :) slowly getting there!x

  2. Loved this! Your writing style is so good and I loved all your answers - a bungee jump definitely is brave, I couldn't do it!! Looking forward to seeing more of your posts :) xx


    1. Thanks hun :) trying to get my next one sorted now!xx

  3. Like you, I'm a fiend for dying my hair. I haven't been natural since I was 15!

    1. I'm terrible for it haha but dying it black was my worst mistake it's taken years to get my colour back xx
