About Me

Hi Everyone! I’m Sara, 25 years young and currently living in Essex.

I’ve always been one of those irritatingly cheerful, morning people and am constantly on the look out for new ways to improve my life, relationships etc. so when I started reading blogs/watching vlogs last year I found myself suddenly engulfed in the worlds of the bloggers and was inspired to join in!

I’m not going to be specifically blogging about any one subject - as we all know life is never that simple! - so I’ll be covering everything from beauty and skincare, relaxation and wellbeing (as every girl needs a good pampering) and lifestyle (just a little bit of day-to-day goings on).  Also, I am a notorious diet-ditcher, so I might stick a little bit about my weight loss attempts in there for good measure!

Under no circumstances do I consider myself to be an expert in the subjects that I blog about, but I do have a lot of opinions and experiences of a twenty-something’s world.

I’ll always be open to comments, recommendations, questions and constructive criticism (eek!), so please let me know what you think as I’m quite new to this blogging lark! Also, if you don’t want to comment on the posts themselves, I’ve left some links to my social media on the sidebar, or alternatively e-mail me on sarasoutter71@googlemail.com!

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